Grant Aid Applications

(Source: PRONI ED.1)

  • Foley – Situated in the Parish of Lisnadill the school operated in one
    room under the direction of Mrs.Lennon, Patrick Short and James Clarke. Of the
    116 students on the roll only 57 were in regular attendance.
  • Lisnadill – Situated in the Parish of Lisnadill the school was conducted
    in two rooms under the direction of George and Louisa Harvey. Of the 77 students
    on the register only 45 were in regular attendance. In 1865 the school made a
    request to the Commissioners of Education for the funding of a workmistress.
  • Wastelands – Situated in the Parish of Lisnadill the school operated in
    one room under the direction of Andrew, Eliza and Grace Gillespie. Of the 97 students
    on the register 55 were in regular attendance. In 1860 the school applied to the
    Commissioners for the salary of a workmistress.
  • Glassdrummond – A school operating in one room under the direction of
    Felix and Anne McGeeny, who received £9 annual income. The school was erected
    in 1844 using parish funds. Of the 156 students on the register 105 were in regular
    attendance. They made an application in 1860 for the salary of a workmistress.
  • Markethill (Male) – Situated in the Parish of Mullabrack this all male
    school operated in one room under the direction of Joseph Raigue. Of the 114 students
    on the register 59 were in regular attendance.
  • Derrycughan (Female Evening) – Conducted in the national school room this
    evening school was established in June 1861. It operated each Tuesday and Friday
    between the hours of six and eight-thirty under the direction of Jane Eliza Rollston,
    mistress of the day school. Of the 32 student registered 28 were in regular attendance.
  • Derrycughan (Male Evening) – Conducted in the national school room this
    evening school was established in June 1861. Under the direction of George Rollston,
    master of the day school, students received instruction in reading, writing, arithmetic,
    English grammar and agriculture. An average of 38 students were educated at a
    cost of one shilling per quarter.
  • Collone – Situated in the Parish of Lisnadill the school was established
    in 1842 using funds from the Erasmus Smith Trust.
  • Drumbanagher (Agricultural) – In 1856 an application was made for the
    salary of George Rollston who was to lecture 20 boys concerning agricultural techniques.
    The school had a small farm of two acres on which the teacher grazed one cow,
    one pig and one heifer.
  • Drumbanagher (Evening) – Established in 1847 under the care of George
    and Jane Rollston the school provided basic education for approximately 50 students.
    Subjects taught included reading, writing, grammar and geography. The average
    age of the students was 16.
  • Ballylane – Situated in the Parish of Lisnadill the school operated in
    only one room. Of the 81 students registered 52 were in regular attendance. In
    1864 an application was made for the employment of a literary assistant.
  • Coolmellish – Situated in the Parish of Mullabrack the school operated
    in one room under the direction of Francis Nugent and Martha Hughes. Patron of
    the school was the Rev. Daniel O’Toole. Of the 109 students registered only 41
    were in regular attendance.
  • Gosford Place – Situated in the Parish of Mullabrack this school operated
    in two rooms under the direction of Samuel Ewing, Anne Lyons and Agnes Gibb. The
    male and female sections of the school were amalgamated in 1864. Of the 133 students
    on the register 74 were in regular attendance.
  • Lisdrumchor – Situated in the Parish of Loughgilly the school was established
    in December 1863 as a temporary school. The teacher, James Fulton received £8
    annual income from the school. Of the 47 students on the register 37 were in regular
  • Baleer – Situated in the Parish of Lisnadill the school operated in one
    room under the care of George Walker, Joseph Todd, Eliza Ireland and Charlotte
    Walker. The patron was James Dobbin Esq. Of the 107 students registered 67 were
    in regular attendance.
  • Clady – Situated in the Parish of Lisnadill and patronised by the Rev.Thomas
    Loye the school was conducted in one room. Of the 120 students registered only
    45 were in regular attendance. It was noted that since the employment of a workmistress
    the number of girls in attendance had increased.
  • Tanaghmore – Situated in the Parish of Mullabrack and patronised by the
    Rev.Josiah Flavell the school was held in one room. Dr.Blacker, Rector of the
    Parish, built it on Glebe land in 1815. It was recorded that the average daily
    attendance was 31.
  • Markethill (Female) – Situated in the Parish of Mullabrack the school
    was conducted in one room under the care of Rosanna Burrows and Henrietta Gray.
    Of the 106 students registered 53 were in regular attendance. At the time of inspection
    it was noticed that the numbers were significantly depleted because of the harvest.
  • Lislea – Situated in the Parish of Kileavy the school was established
    in 1824. John Murphy directed the students of which there were approximately 64
    in summer and 85 in winter. It was recorded that the local clergyman refused to
    sign the application because he was “averse to the present system of education”.
  • Lisummon – Situated in the Parish of Kileavy the school was established
    in 1823 by the local clergyman. John Kelly oversaw the education of 60 students
    in summer and 80 in winter. The local Protestant clergyman refused to support
    the school system.
  • Kilclooney – Situated in the Parish of Kilcluney the school was established
    by Sir.C Molyneux. Following his death there was a proposal that students should
    pay towards the upkeep of the school. Girls and Boys were educated at the school
    but in different rooms. In summer there were approximately 196 students but in
    winter this fell to 141.
  • Tullyherron – Situated in the Parish of Loughgilly the school was established
    in 1830 and operated six days per week. Bernard Quinn was the master and derived
    no wage except the 2d per week paid by each student. In the summer 64 students
    were educated and in the winter 65.
  • Folea – Situated in the Parish of Kilcluney the school was established
    in 1827 by the Earl of Charlemont. The school was under the care of Joseph and
    Margaret McMahon who received £5 per annum from the Earl and one penny per
    week from each scholar.
  • Market Hill – Situated in the Parish of Mullabrack the school was established
    in 1818. The school was held in two rooms, one for boys and one for girls, under
    the care of John and Margaret Conway. Of the 199 students on the register 62 were
    in regular attendance and paid 1d per week for their education.
  • Seaghan – Established in 1818 on land donated by the local landlord for
    that specific purpose. William Palmer was the teacher in charge of 50 students.
  • Crosskeys – Established in response to a need for a school on the road
    from Keady to Armagh local landlord Thomas Wilson made a lease of land and a one
    room school was constructed under the care of James Gray. Approximately 100 scholars
    were educated at the school.
  • Cladymore – Situated in the Parish of Mullabrack the school was established
    in 1841. Although the school was erected on church land it had no religious ties
    to the church. An average of 38 scholars attended daily under the care of Hugh
    Martin. The inspector noted that the number of students was steadily increasing.
  • Market Hill (Agricultural) – Situated in the Parish of Mullabrack the
    school was patronised by Lord Gosford. The two-room school was under the care
    of Patrick O’Hagan and Rachel Burrows. Of the 181 students registered 36 were
    in regular attendance.
  • Mountnorris – Situated in the Parish of Loughgilly the school was established
    in 1840. The two-room school was erected by the local landlord who was not in
    receipt of any rent for the building. The school had an average daily attendance
    of 67.
  • Coolmalish (Female) – Situated in the Parish of Mullabrack the school
    was patronised by Lady Gosford. The school had only one room in which the teacher
    Margaret Kelly had the responsibility for educating 36 females.
  • Clady – Built using local funds this school was established in 1849. Cornelius
    and Maria Loughran had the care of the school. A total of 86 students were registered
    at the school but the actual figure of attendance is not recorded.
  • Ennislane – Situated in the Parish of Lisnadill under the direction of
    William Carmichael and Mary Sibbit. Of the 80 students registered 51 were in regular
    daily attendance. The inspector recorded the number of students in attendance
    was steadily increasing.
  • Cladybeg – Situated in the Parish of Kilcluney the school was established
    under the Church Education Society. The Rev.Charles Crossle was patron of the
    school. The teacher, John Johnston received an annual income of £13 from
    the school. Of the 90 students registered 42 were in regular daily attendance.
  • Brackley – Situated in the Parish of Kilcluney the school was held in
    a two-storey house, in which the teacher also found residence. The school was
    established in 1827 under the patronage of Rev.Charles Crossle. Approximately
    60 were in daily attendance at the school.
  • Drumbee – Situated in the Parish of Lisnadill under the care of James
    Belshaw and Mary Watson. Of the 94 students on the register only 50 were in regular
    daily attendance.
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