The parish of Kilclooney in the county of Armagh. The alternate modern spelling
for Kilclooney is ‘Kilcluney’. The following townlands are in this parish:
1 Ballindarragh, 2 Ballylane, 3 Ballymacawley, 4 Brackly, 5 Carnavanaghan,
6 Carricklane, 7 Cavanagrow, 8 Clady Beg, 9 Clady More, 10 Cordrummond, 11
Corhammock , 12 Damoily, 13 Derrycughan, 14 Drumalaragh, 15 Edenykennedy,
16 Enagh (there is another Enagh in the Parish of Lisnadill), 17 Glasdrummond, 18 Kilbracks, 19 Kilmachugh, 20 Lisnagat, 21 Maghnavery, 22 Seaboughan. (The numbers refer to their position on the parish map.)
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