

Mossfield lies 6.5 km from Markethill.

Also called Glenanne (Lisdrumchor), Mossfield is designated today as a village. It consists essentially of the Mossfield housing estate, a primary school, a general store and some
private dwellings. Its population has fallen over recent years to an estimate
of 160. The village is not on the main road network and is some 11 miles from
Armagh. The nearby Shaws Lake provides local fishing facilities.” (Armagh
Area Plan 2004: Armagh District Council Area

Settlement map.

In the accompany recording, Joseph Canning describes developments at Glenanne_Mossfield.

Photo of Joseph Canning in 2003.

Use the audio controller to listen to this talk, given in 2003.

Settlement map.
Settlement map.

Settlement map.

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