The townland of Ballynagalliagh is in the parish of Lisnadill in Armagh County.
It is labelled number 10 on the map. H864398
The Environment and Heritage Service Sites and Monuments Record (2002) notes the following in this townland:
Tree ring of the modern period
SMR NO: ARM 016:012
Irish Grid Reference: H86243985
CONDITION: traces only
This is pobably a landscaping feature. A barn has been built over most of the site, but the perimeter survives from S-W.
Rath of the Early Christian Period & tree ring of the Eighteenth/Nineteenth Century.
SMR NO: ARM 016:013
Irish Grid Reference: H86944006
Sitename: LAING’S HILL
CONDITION: some remains
A circular enclosure measuring 37m in diam., surrounded by a steep-sided bank c.1 m high, varying from 1-2m in width. This has been extensively damaged on the NE and there are also several small gaps on the S & W. An outer ditch, c.2.5m wide & 0.6m deep encloses the side around all but the SE side. This has clearly been recut on NW, W & S sides, & has been widened to c.4.3m at NE. The site is overgrown, & the interior has been cultivated. It appears to have been remodelled as a landscaping feature.
Rath of the Early Christian Period & modern tree ring.
SMR NO: ARM 016:014
Irish Grid Reference: H86523978
CONDITION: some remains
A single bank & ditch ringwork, circular in plan, sited at the N end of a low N-S ridge. The diameter is 123ft. The bank rises 2-3ft above the interior & is 7ft wide. It is broken by 2 gaps: a N gap 6ft wide & a SE gap 3ft wide. Both appear to be recent. The ditch has been largely silted up, but has been locally recut in recent times for drainage. The site is a rath which has been remodelled as a landscaping feature.
BIVALLATE enclosure of uncertain period
SMR NO: ARM 016:020
Irish Grid Reference: H86093943
CONDITION: No visible remains
A circular “Fort” is marked on the OS 6″ map of 1835 on a slight eminence amidst low-lying pasture land. Nothing now remains except perhaps a slight curve in the field boundary on the W side. The map suggested that it once measured c.45m across. An oblique AP taken in 1952 suggests that it was a large bivallate enclosure.
BIVALLATE rath of the Early Christian Period.
SMR NO: ARM 016:021
Irish Grid Reference: H86243907
CONDITION: destroyed
This was once an impressive bivallate earthwork, but has been levelled & only 2 lenghts of the main bank survive on the NW & E. Before destruction, it consisted of an oval platform c.1.8m above the general ground level & measured 44.5m N-S & 49m E-W. It was defined by a steep scarp which fell c.2m to the base of a substantial ditch, 7m wide. This was surrounded by a massive steep sided bank & a 2nd smaller ditch which may have been recent. Excavations in 1959 showed that cultivation had destroyed all evidence.
Rath of the Early Christian Period.
SMR NO: ARM 016:032
Irish Grid Reference: H86153848
CONDITION: some remains
The site has been partly levelled and the area has been cultivated, but the remains indicated that the site was once substantial. It comprises a roughly circular raised platform with a slightly hollowed interior 40.5m NE-SW & 45m NW-SE. The N & W sides are defined by a modern hedge & a steep scarp falling c.2m. At E the perimeter has been levelled, but a low, wide bank 6.5m wide x 0.4m high can just be seen. Outside this is a ditch c.6.5 m wide x 0.2m deep below outer ground level. See SM7 file for details.
Tree ring of the modern period
SMR NO: ARM 016:055
Irish Grid Reference: H863393
CONDITION: some remains
An almost destroyed ring-work sited on top of a N-S ridge where its position is identified by a kink in the road along the ridge. Here the ditch and scarped edge of the monument are still intact and mark its W limits. The rest of the perimeter though levelled, is still traceable by very slight contour changes. The bank on the road side bears a line of beech trees. The original NS diameter was c.112ft.
Tree ring of the modern period
SMR NO: ARM 016:060
GRlDREF: H56634035
CONDITION: some remains
A platform type ring-work, 1 23ft in diameter with a bank 3-4ft high. There are traces of a probably re-cut surrounding ditch. The slight bank on the lip of the platform looks recent and the monument evidently contained a garden with a building, probably a greenhouse.
Enclosure of uncertain period. Rath? of the Early Christian Period and LANDSCAPE FEATURE of the Eighteenth Century/Nineteenth Century
SMR NO: ARM 016:061
Irish Grid Reference: H86313932
CONDITION: some remains
Little survives of this circular earthwork. Only a slight scarp barely 0.3 m high can be seen around the W half while the remaining perimeter is now defined only by a recent field boundary. A bank 0.9m high & c.1 m wide is essentially a recent feature. The level platform now measures 37m N-S & 35m E-W. On early OS 6″ maps, the monument has the appearance of a recent landscaping feature, but now insufficient remains preclude a positive identification.
Platform Rath of the Early Christian Period.
SMR NO: ARM 018:011
Irish Grid Reference: J05044073
CONDITION: some remains
A low, roughly circular platform 44m NE-SW x 41 m NW-SE. The NW quadrant of the site has been incorporated into a cultivated field & only a low eroded scarp, barely 0.5m high survives. Elsewhere curving field boundaries have preserved a steep scarp falling 1.5-2m to the base of a substantial ditch 4.5m wide x 0.75m deep. On the W side the ditch is deeper & waterlogged, & according to local tradition was used as a flax dam. This seems likely, & would account for the clear, recut edges.
PRONI records: OS/6/2/16/1 (Surveyed 1834-35. Engraved 1835.); OS/6/2/16/2 (Surveyed 1834-35. Engraved 1835. Revised 1860. Engraved 1862.); OS/6/2/16/3 (Surveyed 1834-35. Revised 1906. Levelled 1888-89 and 1906. Published 1908. Reprint 1952, 1954.); OS/6/2/16/4 (Surveyed 1834-35. Revised 1906. Levelled 1888-89 and 1906. Published 1908. Reprint 1929.); OS/6/2/16/5 (Surveyed 1834-35. Revised 1906. Levelled 1888-89 and 1906. Published 1908. Reprint 1952, 1954 with Mss. markings in red and stamped ref. 2568.); OS/6/2/16/6 (Surveyed 1906. Revised 1955. Levelled 1906. Published 1958. (2 copies).); VAL/1B/211 (1st valuation records.); VAL/12B/10/9A, VAL/12B/10/9B, VAL/12B/10/9C, VAL/12B/10/9D, VAL/12B/10/9E (Valuation annual revision list.); VAL/2B/2/10A (Griffith valuation list.).