

The townland of Corran is in the parish of Lisnadill in Armagh County. It is
labelled number 16 on the map.

The Environment and Heritage Service Sites and Monuments Record (2002) notes the following in this townland:

    Rath of the Early Christian Period.
    SMR NO: ARM 020:003
    Irish Grid Reference: H89483545
    Sitename: SCOTCH CORRAN
    Townland: CORRAN
    CONDITION: some remains
    A roughly circular earthwork 32m NE-SW x 28.5m NW-SE. The farmstead has encroached
    slightly & the interior is full of derelict vehicles. lt is enclosed on NE by a bank 3m wide & 1.2m above the interior. From the crest it drops 1.7m to the base of a silted ditch 4m wide & 0.3m deep. To NW & E the bank becomes less substantial & peters out on SW, where there is simply a scarp falling 2.5m to a recut ditch 0.4m deep & 5.5m wide. The ditch continues around N, but to S is overlain by a concrete track.
    PATERSON, T. G. F. NOTES Vol. 135, 85

    Prehistoric findspot (votive site) of the Bronze Age
    SMR NO: ARM 020:014
    Irish Grid Reference: H9034
    Sitename: CORREN
    Townland: CORRAN
    CONDITION: Not precisely located.
    HERITY & EOGAN, 1977, 130-1 LEWIS, S.1837, 11, 286
    WILDE, 1857 CATALOGUE R. l. A.

PRONI records: FIN.23/2/2B/1308 (Landlord Robert J. McGeough re Peter McKernan, tenant.); OS/6/2/20/1 (Surveyed 1834-35. Engraved 1838.); OS/6/2/20/2 (Surveyed 1834-35. Engraved 1835. Revised 1860. Engraved 1864.); OS/6/2/20/3 (Surveyed 1834-5. Revised 1906. Published 1908. Reprints 1934-1957 (2 copies).); OS/6/2/20/4 (Surveyed 1834-5. Revised 1906. Published 1908. Reprints 1934-1957 (2 copies). Reprint 1934.); OS/6/2/20/5 (Surveyed 1906. Revised 1955. Levelled 1903-04 and1906. Published 1958 (2 copies).); VAL/12B/10/3C, VAL/12B/10/3D (Valuation annual revision list.); VAL/2B/2/15 (Griffith valuation list.); D.2223/32/14 (Encumbered estates rentals.30 June 1854).

Parish map with townlandsH906348

The townland of xxxx.
The townland of xxxx.




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