

The townland of Drumennis is in the parish of Kildarton in Armagh County. It
is labelled number 8 on the map.

Paterson (Armachiana, Vol. 16) notes:

    Drumennis. ‘The ridge of the holm or island’. Inis gives name to a vast number
    of places but in every individual case whether the word means holm or island
    must be determined by physical configuration of the place. It occurs in another
    form in Ennisclare, the middle island or holm, a townland on the main road
    to Keady. (p.23)

    Drum (Druim) [meaning ‘ridge’] is one of the most common names and figures
    as a prefix to about 2,400 places besides an equal number in which it is combined.

The Environment and Heritage Service Sites and Monuments Record (2002) notes the following in this townland:

    Enclosure of uncertain period.
    SMR NO: ARM 013:024
    Grid Ref: H92904502
    Specific Type / of BIBLIOGRAPHY:
    Townland: DRUMENNIS
    Condition: destroyed
    In a prominent position a little NE if the summit of a drumlin in good pasture. The site no longer survives, but its SE side is reflected by the curving lane and field boundary. It is marked on the OS 6″ map of 1835, and may have been c.55m in diameter.

PRONI records: VAL/1B/213 (1st Valuation Records); T.1007/216, T.955/28, D.522/31
(Rental.); T.1007/291/217, 223, 225, 226, 229 (Notes of rentals.); D.943/2 (Graham
estate.); OS/6/2/12/1 (Surveyed 1835. Engraved 1835.); OS/6/2/12/2 (Surveyed
1835. Revised 1860. Engraved 1860 (Stat file copy).); OS/6/2/12/3 (Not Received.);
OS/6/2/12/4 (Surveyed 1835. Revised 1905-06. Reprinted 1931-1947. Published
1931 with mss markings in red and stamped references 2566, 2567, 2573.); OS/6/2/12/5
(Surveyed 1906. Revised 1948. Levelled 1888 and 1906. Levels revised 1949. Published
1953. (2 copies) – 1 being reprint 1953, 56, 61).); OS/6/2/13/1 (Surveyed 1834-35.
Engraved 1835.); OS/6/2/13/2 (Surveyed 1834-35. Revised 1860. Engraved 1863
(Stat file copy).); OS/6/2/13/3 (Surveyed 1834-35. Revised 1905-06. Published
1930.); OS/6/2/13/4 (Surveyed 1905-06. Revised 1954-55. Levelled 1888 and 1892
and 1902, 1905-1906. Levels part revised 1948. Published 1958. (2 copies).);
VAL/12B/10/24C, VAL/12B/10/24D (Valuation annual revision list.); VAL/2B/2/12B
(Griffith valuation list.); VAL/12B/10/24A, VAL/12B/10/24B (Valuation annual
revision list.); T.579/55 (Landed estates rental.29 Jan. 1869).

Parish map with townlandsH929449

The townland of xxxx.
The townland of xxxx.

The townland of xxxx.




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