

The townland of Ennislare is in the parish of Lisnadill in Armagh County. It
is labelled number 20 on the map.

Paterson (Armachiana, Vol. 16) notes:

    Inis gives name to a vast number of places but in every individual case whether
    the word means holm or island must be determined by physical configuration
    of the place. It occurs in another form in Ennislare, the middle island or
    holm, a townland on the main road to Keady. (p.23)

The Environment and Heritage Service Sites and Monuments Record (2002) notes the following in this townland:

    Rath of the Early Christian Period.
    SMR NO: ARM 016:008
    Irish Grid Reference: H86464120
    Townland: ENNISLARE
    CONDITION: substantial remains
    The site lies on the opposite bank of the Butter Water to ARM 016:007. This roughly circular earthwork is well preserved & measures 49m N-S x 44.5m E-W. The N & W sides are enclosed by a bank O.9m high & c.5.5m wide while the E & S sides are marked by a scarp falling c.2.5m. A ditch c.5m wide, 3m below the top of the bank & 0.6m below outer ground level encloses the N & W sides. The original entrance seems to be on the SW where a cause way crosses the ditch. At N are possible remains of a counterscarp bank.
    PATERSON, T. G. F. NOTES, Vol. 135

PRONI records: OS/6/2/16/1 (Surveyed 1834-35. Engraved 1835.); OS/6/2/16/2
(Surveyed 1834-35. Engraved 1835. Revised 1860. Engraved 1862.); OS/6/2/16/3
(Surveyed 1834-35. Revised 1906. Levelled 1888-89 and 1906. Published 1908.
Reprint 1952, 1954.); OS/6/2/16/4 (Surveyed 1834-35. Revised 1906. Levelled
1888-89 and 1906. Published 1908. Reprint 1929.); OS/6/2/16/5 (Surveyed 1834-35.
Revised 1906. Levelled 1888-89 and 1906. Published 1908. Reprint 1952, 1954
with Mss. markings in red and stamped ref. 2568.); OS/6/2/16/6 (Surveyed 1906.
Revised 1955. Levelled 1906. Published 1958. (2 copies).); VAL/1B/211 (1st valuation
records.); VAL/12B/10/9A, VAL/12B/10/9B, VAL/12B/10/9C, VAL/12B/10/9D, VAL/12B/10/9E
(Valuation annual revision list.); VAL/2B/2/10A, VAL/2B/2/10A (Griffith valuation

Parish map with townlands H905368

The townland of xxxx.
The townland of xxxx.




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