

The townland of Killeen is in the parish of Kildarton in Armagh County. It
is labelled number 12 on the map.

Paterson (Armachiana, Vol. 16) notes:

    Killeen. ‘A little church’. The root word cill is very well represented in
    each of the four Provinces and it is estimated that about 2,700 place names
    derive from it, most of them prefixed by the names of saints or founders.
    In its diminutive form of Killeen it comprises the name of about 80 townlands.
    Killeen in South Armagh also contains a church site. Combined with other words
    it gives name to places like Shankill (old church), Mullanakill (church hill),
    etc. As a prefix it occurs in Killbracks (the speckled church, Kilmore (the
    great church), etc. (p.23)

The 1826 Schools Commission report describes the school in the townland:

“Killeen – A pay school under the care of William Fraiser, who
was in receipt of 10d per month. The school was conducted in a cabin, providing
education for 41 scholars.”

The Environment and Heritage Service Sites and Monuments Record (2002) notes
the following in this townland:

Bawn of the Seventeenth Century.
SMR NO: ARM 012:087
Irish grid reference: H903427
Site name: Killeen House
This is possibly the site of Killeen House, a seventeenth-century bawn built by Claud Hamilton “…of about 50 yards square and raisedthe walls to the height of 5 feet with 4 small rounds for flanks…” Another description of the bawn in this townland reads “…one bawne of lime and stone, being 80 foote square and 9 in height, with rounds and flankers at the corners thereof..” See SM7 for further details.
Hill, G., 1877
HMC Report No. 78, 1947

PRONI records: D.943/2 (Graham estate.); D.1524 (Conveyance.); D.207/19 (Massereene
mss re fine and recovery.); OS/6/2/12/1 (Surveyed 1835. Engraved 1835.); OS/6/2/12/2
(Surveyed 1835. Revised 1860. Engraved 1860 (Stat file copy).); OS/6/2/12/3
(Not Received.); OS/6/2/12/4 (Surveyed 1835. Revised 1905-06. Reprinted 1931-1947.
Published 1931 with mss markings in red and stamped references 2566, 2567, 2573.);
OS/6/2/12/5 (Surveyed 1906. Revised 1948. Levelled 1888 and 1906. Levels revised
1949. Published 1953. (2 copies) – 1 being reprint 1953, 56, 61).); OS/6/2/16/1
(Surveyed 1834-35. Engraved 1835.); OS/6/2/16/2 (Surveyed 1834-35. Engraved
1835. Revised 1860. Engraved 1862.); OS/6/2/16/3 (Surveyed 1834-35. Revised
1906. Levelled 1888-89 and 1906. Published 1908. Reprint 1952, 1954.); OS/6/2/16/4
(Surveyed 1834-35. Revised 1906. Levelled 1888-89 and 1906. Published 1908.
Reprint 1929.); OS/6/2/16/5 (Surveyed 1834-35. Revised 1906. Levelled 1888-89
and 1906. Published 1908. Reprint 1952, 1954 with Mss. markings in red and stamped
ref. 2568.); OS/6/2/16/6 (Surveyed 1906. Revised 1955. Levelled 1906. Published
1958. (2 copies).); OS/6/2/29/1 (Surveyed 1835. Engraved 1835.); OS/6/2/29/2
(Surveyed 1835. Engraved 1835. Revised 1861. Revisions engraved 1863 (2 copies).);
OS/6/2/29/3 (Surveyed 1835. Revised 1906-07. Published 1925. Reprint 1934.);
OS/6/2/29/4 (Surveyed 1835. Revised 1906-07. Published 1925. Reprint 1934. Reprint
1934-49 with stamped ref 2501, 2502, 2746.); OS/6/2/29/5 (Surveyed 1906-07.
Revised 1957. Levelled 1888-1901 and 1906. Published 1961 (2 copies).); VAL/1B/211,
VAL/1B/244B (1st valuation records.); VAL/12B/10/29A, VAL/12B/10/29B, VAL/12B/10/29C,
VAL/12B/10/29D, VAL/12B/15/16A, VAL/12B/15/17A, VAL/12B/15/17B, VAL/12B/15/17C,
VAL/12B/15/17D (Valuation annual revision list.); VAL/2B/2/12B (Griffith valuation
list.); VAL/2B/2/37AC 1862 (Griffith valuation list.C 1862); D.911 (Encumbered
estates rentals.).

Parish map with townlands


Locally based, the Killen Pipe Band are one of the leading pipe bands in the country. This recording in concert was made at Dromore on 1 March 2003. Pipe master is Philip Boyce.

Photo of Killeen Pipe Band in 2003.

Use the audio controller to listen to this talk, given in 2003.

The townland of xxxx.
The townland of xxxx.

The townland of xxxx.
The townland of xxxx.

The townland of xxxx.





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