Saver & Naver


In the accompanying recording, members of the SAVER & NAVER group in Markethill (South & North Armagh Victims Encouraging Recognition) talk about loved ones who were killed on duty as a result of political violence in the Troubles. Pearl Marshall talks about her son, Constable Michael Marshall, Royal Ulster Consabulary; Ivy Sterrit talks about her son, Constable David Sterritt, Royal Ulster Consabulary; Agnes Crozier talks about her husband, Lance Corporal Robert Crozier, Ulster Defence Regiment.

Reatha Hassan describes the aims of the SAVER & NAVER organisation at the end of the recording.

Photo of Pearl Marshall, Reath Hasson, Ivy Sterritt and Agnes Crozier of Naver and Saver in 2003.

Use the audio controller to listen to this talk, given in 2003.




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