Collone Ps


Records for Collone Primary School in the Parish of Lisnadill date back to
1861, although the school existed as a National School prior to this. Ever since
its opening, the school at Collone has been co-educational.

Attendance at the school has been as high as 130 students but at present the
register indicates a regular attendance of approximately 50 students.
In 1961 the school building was renovated and an additional classroom added.
Other developments at that time included a physical education store, staff room,
new toilets and a caretaker’s store.
The first mobile classroom was acquired in 1966 and a second one added in the
spring of 2001.

In 2003 the school was looking forward to further development and hoped to
improve the facilities of the building to include a games hall and tuck shop. The school closed in 2008.

1934-1954 Mr. JH Harrison
1954-1958 Mr. TA Hamilton
1958-1972 Mr. WT King
1972-1988 Mr. R Flack
1988-2008 Mr. WJ Ruddell

Photo of the school.
Photo of the school.

Photo of the school.

In the accompany recording, Linda McMahon talks about Collone Primary School.

Photo of Linda McMahon in 2013.

Use the audio controller to listen to this talk, given in 2003.

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